Sunday, October 5, 2008

Twlight Series

I started Twilight about the end of August, but didn't really start reading it as fast as I would have thought. I think I really picked the book up and got started about two weeks ago and can I say I am hooked. I finished Twilight last Saturday. I saw my mom Wednesday bowling and begged to borrow the other three books because my daughter is still reading New Moon. I began reading New Moon and finished the last two chapters lastnight. I would have finished sooner, but I worked Friday and Saturday so I was unable to read during my time working. These books are really good and I am excited to now begin reading Eclipse. I am even more excited to see Twilight, which will be in theaters November 21.


The Powells said...

i told you that you would LOVE it!!!

Mer said...

Ahhh. I love me some Twilight. Can't wait for the movie :D

candajohnsonfam said...

Welcome to the club. I took you long enough. I can't wait for the movie either. I am hoping to go to the midnight showing. Can't wait.

This is Us! said...

Gotta love it! I still can't believe what a big deal this book has become, even though I'm one of the many loving it!

zeebee said...

gotta love this! can't wait for the movie, I just wish is was coming out BEFORE I had the baby!

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